
bone scraping Learn more about bone scraping

  • Processing technology of deer gluten

    Processing technology of deer gluten

    (1) the removal of deer tendons is the muscle health of the limbs and back of the deer. The method of removing the ① forelimb is as follows: the forelimb is cut off from the posterior side of the metacarpal bone and the muscle with a knife, and cut off below the heel of the accessory hoof, and the accessory hoof and seed bone are left on the tendon, and then picked up along the fascia groove to cut off the fascia terminating part of the upper end of the carpal bone. The anterior muscles and shoulders are also picked between the metacarpal bone and the bone, cut down to the crown of the hoof with a piece of skin about 5 cm long, cut upward to the upper end of the carpal bone, and cut off along the end of the fascia. ② 's hind legs are from rest.

  • The balcony is succulent and crazily scraped with some materials.

    The balcony is succulent and crazily scraped with some materials.

    Put some "this" into the succulent basin. It seems that as long as you use the right method, the balcony succulent is also "crazy".! The appearance of succulent plant is very lovely, many friends only take a look at it and decide to enter the pit, but in maintenance.

  • At these few points, the orchids sprouted and the flowers and bones scraped all over the basin.

    At these few points, the orchids sprouted and the flowers and bones scraped all over the basin.

    We all know that orchids are elegant indoor potted plants, elegant and tasteful indoors, so how should we raise orchids at ordinary times? 1. It is said that orchids are afraid of the sun. In fact, in the growing period of orchids, we should give enough sunshine, except in summer.

  • Bone curettage for survival of poisonous arowana

    Bone curettage for survival of poisonous arowana

    A Li Yasi classical back golden dragon has been invaded by outward mail for a long time, and its head has been slowly eroded. I have tried conservative medicine baths many times before, but the effect is not satisfactory. The wound area is too large and the infection is so deep that it has to be surgically scraped off. Scraping bones to cure the pain of poison.

  • Processing technology of shark fin

    Processing technology of shark fin

    Shark fin is made from the front of the lower lobe of shark's dorsal fin, pectoral fin and caudal fin. It has rich nutritional value and has the functions of tonifying blood, qi, kidney, lung and stomach. In order to further standardize the processing technology of shark fin, this paper introduces the technology of processing fresh shark fin into bright fin. 1. Technological process: frozen shark fin → thawing → drying → de-basal meat → hot sand → sand scraping → washing → bleaching → washing → bone removal → drying or drying → graded → packaging → wing products. Second, the operation method 1. Drying: placing in

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of immediate planting? What does immediate dental implant mean? is immediate implant bone graft immediate restoration?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of immediate planting? What does immediate dental implant mean? is immediate implant bone graft immediate restoration?

    Implant restoration is a new trend in repairing dentition defects. With the increase of patients' demand for oral health, immediate repair has been paid more and more attention. Planted immediately.

  • Video technology of toad breeding

    Video technology of toad breeding

    Video technology of toad breeding

  • Efficacy, function and taboo of Achyranthes bidentata

    Efficacy, function and taboo of Achyranthes bidentata

    Efficacy, function and taboo of Achyranthes bidentata

  • Comprehensive utilization of waste materials from fish processing

    Comprehensive utilization of waste materials from fish processing

    The remaining fish head, fish tail, minced meat, scales, skin, viscera, bone, gallbladder and so on, contain a lot of protein, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Using these protein resources, a variety of deep processing products can be made, including soluble edible fish protein meal, liquid fish protein feed, fish scale glue, fish skin glue, bone paste, fish protein calcium sugar, bile pigment calcium salt and bile salt, etc. Comprehensive utilization of fish processing waste can reduce the cost of leading products, increase the added value of aquatic products, maintain the environment, reduce the discharge of waste water and waste.

  • Lice fish belly

    Lice fish belly

    Materials: milkfish 1 ginger (shredded, ground) 1 mustard a little rice wine a little soy sauce paste a little practice: 1. Milkfish scraping off the head (head edible do not discard) excreted by the abdomen, the mouth cut to the middle bone under the fish belly, and then eviscerated. two。 Boil in shredded ginger and fish belly and cook for about 5-8 minutes. (stained with ginger and soy sauce paste, better taste with mustard) Mustard blending method: mustard powder and rice wine mix well and sealed stew 5-

  • Comparison of dental implants and dentures

    Comparison of dental implants and dentures

    [1] Alveolar bone resorption does not often occur when alveolar bone is absorbed with teeth, but after tooth loss, alveolar bone resorption occurs rapidly and the jaw bone shrinks significantly. This is...

  • Processing technology of swordfish

    Processing technology of swordfish

    Swordfish (xiphiasgladiuslinnaeus, Commonswordfish) is a large deep-sea fish, named for its upper and lower jaw shape, thick in the middle and thin on both sides, like a sharp sword. But because of its high speed, it is called swordfish like an arrow away from the string. Distributed in the Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, the American coast of the western Atlantic is the main producing area of swordfish, which is mainly caught by longline fishing, and most of the individuals are about 10~100kg and above 100kg.

  • Preparation method of deer fetus ointment

    Preparation method of deer fetus ointment

    1. Boiling "refers to fresh deer fetus) first ironing the fetus with boiling water, removing the fetus's coat, washing it with clean water and boiling it in a human pan." When the flesh and bones of the fetus are separated, the boiling water (called fetal milk) of the fetus is about 4 kilograms (the remaining water varies with the size of the fetus). Remove the bone and meat, filter the fetal plasma with gauze, put the fetal plasma in a ventilated and cool place and store it at a low temperature. two。 To be dried, the bones and meat will be put into a human drying oven (the temperature in the box is about 80 ℃) to dry (can also be put into a human pot.

  • How much is the price of dragon fish per jin? This can quickly peel the skin and remove the bone!

    How much is the price of dragon fish per jin? This can quickly peel the skin and remove the bone!

    Arowana, also known as tongue fish and sub-plate fish, is a kind of flounder, which is deeply loved by people because of its less meat and high nutritional value, but because it is rare in the market, the price is relatively expensive, so how much is the price per jin? How to peel the skin and remove the bone quickly?

    2020-11-11 Dragon fish price probably more less money one jin so can fast
  • How to plant chicken bone grass

    How to plant chicken bone grass

    Chicken bone grass has the effects of clearing away heat and dampness, detoxification, relieving pain and promoting liver. It is a common traditional Chinese medicine, but the chicken bone grass planted by many people does not sprout, which may be the wrong way of planting, so how to grow it? 1. How to plant chicken bone grass

    2020-11-08 Chicken bone grass how planting chicken bone have clear heat remove dampness
  • Common practices of Steamed Mandarin Fish

    Common practices of Steamed Mandarin Fish

    Common practices of Steamed Mandarin Fish

  • Advantages and disadvantages of dental implants (yarbeija science popularization)

    Advantages and disadvantages of dental implants (yarbeija science popularization)

    Implant refers to a method of missing tooth restoration, which is based on the lower structure of the implanted bone tissue to support and secure the upper dental restoration. It includes the lower part.

  • A picture to let you know "implant teeth"!

    A picture to let you know

    Does dental implant put a "seed" in the mouth to make the tooth sprout? If you believe so much, you are still Too young Too simple Too naive~ today, hippo.

  • Plant fertilization is super simple. It eats whatever you eat.

    Plant fertilization is super simple. It eats whatever you eat.

    Curry Curry & nbsp; Curry Curry (episode of Ode to Joy 2) Tang Yuan & nbsp;.

  • Yushu breeding methods and precautions

    Yushu breeding methods and precautions

    Yushu breeding methods and precautions
